
Showing posts from August 19, 2012

The Need to Emancipate the Girl Child

All young men, save for a few with jilted consciousness, begin to look for a girl they can marry once they hit the mid 20s. If you are like me, you probably had a good mother who told you that “My son, to succeed in life avoid women, the company of bad naughty boys and alcohol. Focus on your studies, go to church, do the right and proper things and God at the opportune time will give you a good wife.” Well, so you followed your mother and now you are 29 like me and wish to get married utmost in the next 5 years. The question is where I will find a good girl for marriage. I know you will be quick to ask me what I mean by a good girl for marriage. Let us model what makes a good wife. When an educated man looks for a wife, he considers the following among others 1.     Level of education of the girl and perceived intelligence 2.     Some moral issues i.e. what ethic does the girl subscribe to 3.     Demeanor of the girl i.e. how ...