
Showing posts from September 14, 2014

Devolution of Healthcare Services in Kenya

There have been arguments for and against what the 2010 constitution stipulated i.e. the devolution of health care services in Kenya. Those for devolution argue that counties will ensure equitable distribution of health resources and proper prioritization of health care services; as per the needs of the County. It is assumed that each county will put in place mechanisms to ensure a vibrant health care system and to enhance efficiency in service delivery.  Those against devolution of healthcare functions have argued that health care resources are limited and devolution only stretches them further. Most critically, they argue that counties lack capacity to manage a vibrant healthcare system. Tribalism and claninism and inefficiency at the county level are likely to lower the health care standards in the country. What is my opinion? a .        Not all healthcare functions need to have been devolved. b.       ...