
Showing posts from September 8, 2013


In discussions with friends, I have always argued that it is near impossible for Raila to win elections in Kenya because he is always going against the state. I have looked at strong men like Paul Biya of Cameroon, Al Bashir of Sudan, Mugabe of Zimbabwe and Yoweri Museveni of Uganda. Is it possible to win an election against such people despite strategic dearth and dexterity? Would the opposition have won against Moi in 2002 had he not chosen to step down? Raila, the enigma of Kenyan politics, the man I have lived to admire, has failed and will never be the president of Kenya. Despite my intellectual peers’ contrary opinions, I believe Raila failed because of the state machinery factor in his opponents strategies. Despite this consolation, I have to stop looking away and face the naked King. I do this with a heavy heart but the truth has a way of carrying the heaviness away. Raila Amollo Odinga will never be the president of Kenya because his strategy was premised on tribali...