Team Weta, Battle on Numbers in Home Stretch

I chose to support Deam Weda mpaka kwa Tepe in this by-election. This was informed by the realization that what the gods have ordained, it is not for man to Judge. Like him or hate him, the gods have conspired and it is Weda's (read Weta if you are not a bukusu like me), to reign supreme in Luhya land or at least in Bukusuland.

There are those, TeamMakali, who claim they need fresh blood. They are jilted in their beliefs because they do not appreciate reality as it is. In thinking, we should always be careful to reconcile the ideal with the real. This election was not for a first comer like Makali.

TeamKombo and sympathizers claim we should be in government, but they fail to demonstrate what we will get from government by voting in an old NFK senator. We have an NFK governor but we have not seen any surprises or anything to write home owing to that. They accuse Wetangula for tying us to a man who has killed Luhya unity and politics. These accusers  are not so well informed people  and they do not appreciate history. Our history is such that Bukusu's only support their leaders and to a large extent we have been supporting Kikuyus. We voted for Wamalwa in 1997, Wamalwa and Kibaki in 2002, Kibaki in 2007 and were split between Raila and Mudavadi in 2013. Moreover, we are currently tied to Raila because UHURUTO have made the Jubilee government a two tribe thronged government.

TeamWakoli and TeamKombo claim that Weta is a Raila Project. They claim he is responsible for the NFK governor being a non-starter. Among them, there are those who argue that Voting for Wetangula does not gurantee him of being on the presidential ballot in 2017 but is that not jumping the gun? It is funny that TeamWakoli could even dream of splitting the vote to deny Team Weta a win. Wakoli is just spoiling for himself any opportunity of getting back into elective politics by choosing to do Jubilee bidding; he joins the likes of Eugine and Mudavadi whose association with Uhuru has rendered them useless. We forget very easily what Raila has stood for and what many who value the status quo has always feared him for. We forget that Mudavadi, after being wasted by Moi, became a force in Luhya politics and national politics through association with Raila. We forget that Wetangula is now a man to reckon with due to his going into coalition with Raila. Therefore, Raila does not dimminish Luhya but rather he props them and they should blame themselves for not using given platform to higher political standing. As to whether Wetangula will achieve that, it is too early to judge. However, given he is our only option at the moment, shouldn't we give him a chance?

Therefore, as it stands,  Team Weta or Deam Weda has largely and logically so won the propaganda war. Weta is so strong that even with Lusaka supporting the Team Kombo, they still have no more hope than to garner about 40% of the vote come 19th December. Why do I believe that Kombo will only manage at most 40%? Kombo enjoys support in Webuye, Kimilili and Mt.Elgon and some minimal support from across the county. Mt. Elgon, many tend to assume is Sabaot only. Even as Kimili considers following their son Lusaka to support Kombo, there are some that will be wary of not being in the winning team. Webuye will be split due to Kombo's Record in the area. Even though we should expect Kombo to get some votes in Wetangula  strong holds, this will be minimal due to support given by sitting Mps in the area to Weta. For example, one would expect Weta to loose votes in Sirisia but due to local leaders supporting Weta, the losses will be minimal.

This win is awaiting Weta but as we move into homestretch, focus should be on by what margin. Team Weta has to focus on mobilization of people to vote. We have to come out and vote to the last man. This battle has to be won by the diligence of the foot soldiers. I suggest the adoption of a nyumba mia moja strategy. Let every Weta leaning MP have clear targets. Let every Weta leaning MCA have targets. Let every MCA subdivide his region and usual political brokers  from villages be assigned an area of accountability and targets. Let the brokers at each polling station be assigned responsibility and be held responsible for given targets agreed upon through consultations with them. If this is carried out well in the final stretch, the turn out may just exceed the general election turn out and we shall have given our man Weda, an unequivocal mandate. Whatsoever he does with that, we shall be waiting........ and in the sidelines, Team Makali can be laying down strategies for a real political duel for senator-ship in 2017. I also think Juma wa Mukhwana would have some practical chance if he gave the possibility of becoming our governor in 2017 some consideration.


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