beatification of Sr. Irine Stephan in Kenya was a beautiful thing. Apart from
the celebration of life of one who is believed to have lived an exemplary life,
the beatification drew out protestant outrage and tongue wagging. We thank God
for such an opportunity to dialogue. It is sad that instead of dialogue, Protestants
stupefied in self-righteousness sought to condemn without first seeking understanding.
I was born and raised as a Catholic; although my personal thoughts on religion
are not permissible among staunch Catholics, I cherish the church of my mum and
trust that it is a positive vehicle for social transformation and spiritual edification.
In this write up, I wish to address some of the issues my protestant friends
Religious Knowledge
we dialogue on anything religious, it is always good to first ascertain what
genre of knowledge we are dealing with. Religious knowledge is not
philosophical knowledge because while the former is arrived at through revelation,
the latter is arrived at through rigorous reasoning that anticipated indisputable truths. Religious knowledge is not scientific knowledge because
science is empirical while religion is more of speculative. Among philosophers
of religion, there is consensus that religious knowledge is about the beyond
physical (metaphysical). Metaphysical
truths are speculative truths; we do not have physical evidence against which
to measure the truths; all we can rely on is coherence in the story and if we
are convinced that what we imagine is the most likely scenario, by a leap of
faith we believe.
Different Religions
truths would have been more acceptable if we had only one claim to revelation.
Unfortunately, we have Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and even Traditional
African Religions. All these religions seem irreconcilable or incompatible
because they all claim God by revelation gave them instructions contained in
the Bible, Quran, Vedas, Oral tradition etc. Considering the different
religions we can either agree that there are many Gods or some of the purported
revealed word of God is mere human conjecture. If we assume that there is only
one God, given it is not possible to objectively determine, which among the
different books is a true account of God’s instruction, then either God played
us or these things are not worth our while considering them. There is nothing
objective to be established about religious knowledge. Consequently, all we
have to do is accommodate others as long as what they do is not life denying. In
studying religions, I prefer the interpretive tradition established by Max
Weber who advocates for Verstehen (empathetic interpretation): you have to try
and see things as the other really sees them lest you jump to conclusions. When
the African would face the mountain and incant prayers, the Whiteman concluded
that the African was worshipping the mountain. If he had gotten into the Africans’
world view, he would have realized the African worships the God of wonders that
created the magnificent mountain and seats on high above the mountains.
Biblical Truths
is sad that the most ignorant people are the ones who assume great
understanding of the bible. People should exercise a lot of humility and
patience before declaring anything unbiblical. The bible is a collection of
books and some writings even seem contradictory of others. Christendom is
widely divided because of ambivalence in the bible that allows for different
interpretations. The bible as we know it today did not come into being until
325AD. Before then, there were numerous writings all purporting to relay the
word of God. The council of Nicaea had the onerous task of deciding which books
were scripture and which ones were not. The compilation of the bible depended
on the interpretation of men as to what was revealed word of God and which ones
were not. The Catholic bible has more books than others because later on, some
protestant leaders rejected the originally approved books. What does this mean for
people of my generation? Why are there four gospels in the bible? It is because
the compilers of the bible could not agree on one as a complete account of Jesus’
life on earth. The four were permitted because it is assumed they complement
each other.
is interesting because, the declaration of the trinity was made by in 360AD at
the council of Constantinople. Before then, people were crippling with the
divinity of Jesus; whether Jesus was God or human. It is imperative to note
that an interpretation of Genesis 1.1, John 14:26, Genesis 1:26, John 1:18, Mathew
28:19 became the founding grounds for declaration that Jesus was fully divine
just as he was human. If the divinity of
Jesus was a matter of consensus among the early Christians, how dare anyone
take a hard-line stance in interpretation of the bible?
you are a Christian, and you follow Jesus of Nazareth, you should remember his
call to “It is written but….” (Mathew 5: 38-48). If there is anything you have
to learn from Jesus is to appreciate that it is written, scripture exists but
reality and by extension humanity is more crucial than what may or may not have
been written. Additionally, before you claim anything is un-biblical consider Jesus
himself advising that after he is gone, the Spirit would teach and reveal more
while reminding us of what Jesus had taught (John 14:26). Clearly therefore,
something may not be directly quoted in the bible but inferred by implication.
Some things that are inferred as having been implied include Trinity, Worship
of Sunday and for Catholics Beatification, praying through saints and the Virgin
The Ten Commandments
accuse Catholics of not following the Ten Commandments as listed in Exodus 20. This
is a misconception based on hearsay because Catholics follow the Ten
Commandments especially, No 2 that clearly warns against making idols. I have
followed up even on the Vatican website, and the commandments are listed as
found in Deuteronomy 5 or Exodus 20. Tradition has it that Jews group the
commandments as Catholics and Lutherans group them. So maybe to settle issue
about numbering of the commandments, considering that there are 14 imperatives
in the verses in exodus 20, one should go back to how the Jews actually do or
did it.
Catholics adhere to the commandments then why do they have carvings and
statues? This is a pagan practice that came with Roman practices being Christianized.
Instead of pagan symbols, Christian symbols were introduced. However, Catholics
believe in God the father almighty and in his son Jesus Christ. All church paraphernalia
in the Catholic Church should be seen merely as symbols. Those who watch Christian
movies, do they believe that the man they see in the movie is Jesus Himself? In
the presence of church paraphernalia, Catholics show honor just like any
protestant shows honor in the presence of the head of state or when a flag is
being hoisted or national anthem is being sang. Does such honor constitute worshiping those things or individuals? Finally, Catholics have never created
any stature of God or gods. To understand that what Catholics do is not in
itself idolatry consider Gods commands in Exodus 25:18-20, 1 Chronicles 28:
18-19, Numbers 21: 8-9, For depictions
of God read Daniel 7:9 and for depictions of the holy Spirit read Matt 3:16,
Mark 1:10, Acts 2:1). These verses show that God is not opposed to carvings and
images after all. The problem is worshiping those images, which is not how Catholics
use the images and icons. When you see a Catholic wearing a cross, it is the
same thing as the roman collar which many Protestants don to show that they are
ministers; it identifies them. When they look upon the cross and the images of
the saints, they are reminded of their faith.
The Sabbath
may want to go ballistic on Catholics and wonder why they are not following the
law as it is written. That would be a valid consideration. However, what does
it mean to break a commandment? The third commandment clearly stipulates that
we should honor the Sabbath (Exodus 20, Leviticus 23:3). There are many Christian
Sects that bemoan the breaking of the third commandment. But who breaks the
Sabbath rule with impunity? Of course, Jesus himself; read Mathew 12:1, Mark 3:
1-6, John 5: 18. Is there one sin that is greater than another? James 2:10-11
indicates that there are no small sins. But there is a greater lesson in Jesus’
purported breaking of the commandments. This has to be understood in light of Isaiah
1:11-17 and Hosea 6:6. Just like we rationalize the Sabbath commandment, why do
we want to be stringent on the second commandment by ruling out possibility of
images being used to facilitate understanding of Gospel mysteries?
The Pope and Papal Infallibility
Martin Luther Snr wrote the 95 theses and they all addressed the excesses of
the Papacy. The church acknowledged most of the excesses and there have been
numerous reformations in the Catholic Church. The excesses and indulgences notwithstanding,
there is no harm in respecting the Pope as an individual and a leader of
billions of believers. If you trust that God plans all and for all intends anoints
a Pope who is the supreme leader of the church, they you can understand the
thinking that his teaching is probably the will of God. However, such thinking
has been challenged and there are many bishops and priests who challenge the
position taken by the pope. However, for any protestant who respects his or her
pastor, 1Chronicles 16:22 should apply when making pronunciations against the
Pope. A pope is a minister like any other.
Life after Death
the heart of Christian believe is Resurrection (1st Corinthians
Resurrection of the Body
Christians, Catholics included believe in resurrection. Catholics believe in
the resurrection of the body. The foundations can be found in 1 Corinthians
15:35, 1 John 3:2, Romans 2: 6-11, 1Cor 15: 42-44, Philippians 7:1-2. Better
grounds for believe in resurrection of the Body is what happened to Jesus
himself (read John 20:24-29). Jesus resurrects in body and he asks Thomas to
put his hand in his side; if this is not evidence enough of what resurrection means
then what is? Will you choose to believe in duality or will you believe what Jesus
What happens after Death?
are some Protestants who prefer to think that once people die, it is over for
them and nothing more. They quote Ecclesiastes 9:5 and other such verses. Is that anti-the spirit of resurrection where
dying is just a transition? Which of these shall we believe? Is it Luke 23: 43
where Jesus tells the repentant thief “Today you will be with me in Paradise”
or should we believe John 5:27-29 "And he has given Him (Jesus) authority
to execute judgment, because he is the Son of Man. Do not marvel at this, for
an hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and come
out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have
done evil to the resurrection of judgment". We would rather go with Jesus
word, given the John is giving us his own interpretation. Jesus says, today
when you die, I will be with you in paradise. Did he lie considering he stayed
in the grave and only rose on the third day?
Is there a link between the living
and the Dead?
bible has clear indications that the living can relate to the dead. In 1 Samuel
28:7-20, Saul summons Samuel through a median. This definitely is shown as a
bad way of summoning the dead (Deuteronomy 18:11). Jesus shows as a better way
of communing with the dead in prayer. In Mathew 17: 1-9 Jesus in a spiritual
state is seen talking to Elijah and Moses. Why is Jesus talking to the dead
when such verses as Numbers 16:48 forbids such? Interprets such an incident as
you may but it clearly shows that it is possible to spiritually commune with
the dead that are in heaven or hell.
Do the Dead Pray for us and Can we
pray through the Dead?
Protestants argue that Jesus is our only link to the father and we should ask
all we want in Jesus’ name (1 Timothy 2:5). This is awesome, he promises that
whatsoever we ask God in his name, he shall deliver (John 15:16). While the
same bible says Jesus is our direct Link to God, it urges us to intercede for
each other (1 Timothy 2: 1-4, Romans 15:30-32, Ephesians 5:25). This is
interesting because the same bible that urges us to intercede for each other
tells us that Jesus is the sole mediator between man and God. It is clear in
the bible that asking our friends to pray for us is in no way contradictory to
Jesus being our ultimate link to God. If fellow man here on earth can pray for
us, can our loved ones already in the presence of God not pray for us? Have
they not assumed the nature of God; are one with God just as Jesus was one with
God (John 15)? It is logical that those in heaven pray for us and enjoin
themselves to our worship or prayers as all in earth and heaven worship one
God. Therefore, praying to the saints in heaven or not is a matter of faith… If
you believe our loved ones are in heaven in the presence of God and they Care
for us then truly we can commune with them in prayer just as Jesus communes
with Elijah and Moses during prayer. Jesus gives us a parable that indicates
clearly that even our loved ones in hell regret and out of love intercede and
beg on our behalf (Luke 16: 19-31). The Psalmist urges us to commune as one in
praising the Lord (Psalms 103: 20-21, 148:1-2). Are the saints in heaven
praying? Yes read Revelations 8:3-4 and they offer to God the prayers of those
of us on earth (Revelations 5:8, Job 5:1).
Beatification and Canonization
and Canonization are best on the above described beliefs about the dead. The
belief is that the good men and women enter heaven directly upon death (today
you will be with me in Paradise). Catholics believe that the dead (saints in
heaven) pray for them and present their supplications before God as shown in
Revelations 5:8. The question then was, how do we identify those in heaven and
those probably not in heaven? Thus standards (canon) were established to inform
the process of determining those in heaven. While all those who believe, by the
grace of God should be in heaven, we cannot be judge about holiness and be
sure. Therefore, the church identifies people deemed to have led exemplary
lives and 5 years after their death, they begin a process of investigating
their lives. After ascertaining that the person in question was exemplary, recognition
of Servant of God is given such a person. Christians interested in praying
through such an individual are allowed and beatification is done once a miracle
arising from praying through the given dead person is registered. Beatification
and canonization is a recognition process that aims to identify and establish
the possibility of given individual being in heaven. Whether the miracles
happen or are assumed to happen is not a question Protestants can ask, they are
more notorious with the miracle crap than anyone else. At a personal level, a
lot of religious practices even mere Sunday worship acts of lunacy are weird and
queer to me. However, judging and labeling people because they believe in such
a process is mere stupidity and lack of spiritual humility.
The Virgin Mary
have also been wondering, how could a mother of someone be a virgin? The answer
to that depends on whether you believe in Immaculate Conception or not? Was
Mary a virgin when she conceived Jesus? In Luke 1: 28, we get the angels
salutation of Mary. The angel says Mary was full of Grace, is the Grace of God
temporal or is it eternal? Was Mary a sinner? Romans 3:23 indicates that all
have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Does that apply to all humans even
Abraham, Jacob, Esau, Jesus? This brings into focus the issue of Original Sin;
did Mary have the original sin? How about Jesus his son, did he have the
original sin? Is Mary a Saint? Definitely she is a saint, if you consider what
Roman 8:17. While there are many arguments to the effect that Mary had
children, Mary was a sinner like all of us; the indisputable fact is that she
among all humans was chosen as a worthy vehicle to carry Jesus; the so believed
to be Son of God or God (very confusing). If you believe Jesus is God (Trinity)
then Mary was the Mother of God, at least God the Son. Such is a privileged
position and we can see her special relation with Jesus at the wedding at Cana
(John 2: 1-12). At the cross (John 19:26-27) Jesus offers Mary as a mother to
his beloved disciple and he offers the beloved disciple as a son to his mother.
Was this just a worldly act or does it have any spiritual implications?
Catholics interpret that as Jesus putting his church under the motherly care of
his mother. Revelations 12 is interpreted by Catholics to be indicative of the
role of Mary in the Salvation story. Clearly, those who keep God’s commands and
hold fast their testimony about Jesus are the Children of the Woman who by all
interpretations should be Mary kept safe from sin by the heavens she remained
immaculate. Catholics thus revere and honor Mary more that the saints; she is
the first among the saints for all the Saints belong to her.
was baptized in the Jordan by John the Baptist. Some Protestants argue that sprinkling
water over the head is not baptism. Scriptures like john 3:5 talk of baptism by
water and spirit. Acts 1:5, 11:16 diminishes the role of water by emphasizing that
Christians are baptized by Spirit. Is it
the amount of water that determines whether sins are washed away or not? Baptism
in Spirit implies that act of pouring or immersing in Water only being symbolic
of spiritual process already completed by the Holy Ghost. It is such
interpretation that has led to some Christian sects leaving out water
completely and opting for other acts like standing under a flag or laying on of
hands by the elders.
Infant Baptism
are Protestants (quoting verses like Acts 8:12, Acts 18:8) who believe children
cannot be baptized because they are incapable of making commitment. However,
like I have always wondered, is that Paul’s opinion or the final position ordained
by God? The role of parents in their children’s life is stated in Ephesians
6:1. Galatians 3:17-29 reminds us of being descendants of Abraham in faith. Remember Abraham’s covenant? Read Genesis28:
10-15, Genesis 15:6, and Genesis 17: 9-14. While circumcision was the seal of
faith in the Old Testament, the seal of faith in the New Testament is baptism
(Romans 4:11). Why were 8 year old circumcised?
Do you belief in crap called original
sin? (Galatians 3:8-9, Acts 8:12). If you do then you would not have problems
with infant baptism. By parents’ commitment, their children are baptized as an
act of offering them to God and a commitment to mentor them in matters of faith.
When they are of age, they receive formal Christian education and are
confirmed. Let the children go to Jesus (Mark 10:13-16) as for parents,
salvation is for the household (Acts 16: 30-34, Acts 2:39).
bulk of this discussion was to show that Catholic Faith is anchored on clear
biblical foundations and considerable principles as long as you believe in the
teachings of the bible. I love the Roman Catholic World View because it fits
perfectly in the African world view. The African world view accounts for the
living, the dead, the deities and God. What some Christians want to do is
believe in resurrection but completely choose to obliterate those in heaven a
role in life. They advance an individualistic world view where it is I and my
God. They forget that I die and I as they hope will continue to serve God more
proximately in heaven. It is important to note that Catholics do not pray to
saints but ask saints to pray with them or for them.
Dependable as the Catholic Faith maybe, it does not disqualify other Faiths and religions.
I know too well that the others also have a very articulate explanation for
what their beliefs. I shudder to imagine that it might all be vanity. I read Isaiah
64:4 or 1 Corinthians 2:9 and John 1:18 and I am convinced that no one has ever
seen God; by Faith we hope that what those Jews who were friends of Jesus
believed about him is true. If Jesus is the only way, then all other religions
are wrong but how do we ascertain this? Such consideration make me humble
rather than grandiose in stupefying self-righteousness.
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